Digital Agency Manager | For Digital Creatives & Techpreneurs


A centralized hub where you can monitor intricate projects, manage clients, track finances, and stay on top of tasks all for the price of a slice of pizza 🍕

But wait, there's more! We've thrown in a Spotify Playlist designed to set the mood for deep work! 🎵

An incredibly versatile Notion template designed to improve the output of product managers, developers, freelancers, and agencies.

Scattered info sucks. Say hello to streamlined efficiency:

  1. Centralized Dashboard: Houses all essential pages — client relations, team, ideas, resources, content, and finances. This allows you to access all critical information in one location, reducing work time and streamlining workflow.

  2. Project & Client Management: Your pages are allocated to track client details and projects. Each client has their own page with billing, contract, project, and project presentation pages, streamlining the communication and management process.

  3. Comprehensive Task Management: A general to-do database, allows you to keep track of all personal and professional tasks. You can filter tasks related to a specific project. Seamless project management === ↑ Productivity

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